Selected Publications

Copyrights are held by the respective publishers. Papers are provided here only for academic and research purposes.

See the full list on Google Scholar.

Sensor-based Digital Biomarker research

[2023] Analytical and Clinical Validity of Wearable, Multi- Sensor Technology for Assessment of Motor Function in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease in Japan: an Observational Study.

Burq, Maximilien, Genko Oyama, et al.
Working paper.

[2023] Validation study for an algorithm to classify real-world ambulatory status from a wearable device using multimodal and demographically diverse data.

Popham, Sara, Burq, Maximilien et al.
preprint. [full text]

[2022] Virtual exam for Parkinson’s disease enables frequent and reliable remote measurements of motor function.

Burq, Maximilien, Erin Rainaldi, et al.
Nature Digital Medicine. [full text]

[2022] Triggering virtual clinical exams.

R Kapur, M Burq, E Rainaldi, LJ Myers, W Marks.
US Patent App. 17/450,521.

[2021] A holistic approach for suppression of COVID-19 spread in workplaces and universities.

Poole, Sarah F et al.
Plos one. [full text]

Dynamic Matching & Kidney Exchange

[2022] Edge-Weighted Online Windowed Matching.

I. Ashlagi, M. Burq, C. Dutta, P. Jaillet, A. Saberi and C. Sholley. *
Mathematics of Operations Research.
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2019.
[MOR link] [PDF]

[2019] On matching and thickness in heterogeneous dynamic markets.

I. Ashlagi, M. Burq, P. Jaillet, and V. Manshadi. *
The 17th ACM Conference in Electronic Commerce (EC), 2016.
Operations Research 67 (4), 927-949, 2019.
[arXiv] [SSRN]

[2018] Maximum weight online matching with deadlines.

I. Ashlagi, M. Burq, C. Dutta, P. Jaillet, A. Saberi and C. Sholley. *
preprint [arXiv]

[2018] Dynamic Matching Algorithms

M. Burq.
Ph.D. Dissertation, 2018. [abstract] [full text]

[2018] Maximizing efficency in dyanmic matching markets

I. Ashlagi, M. Burq, P. Jaillet and A. Saberi. *
preprint. [arXiv]

* Author order is alphabetical.

Invited talks:

  • INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2018
  • International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2018
  • Paris School of Economics Workshop: Kidney Allocation 2018
  • INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2017
  • INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2016
  • Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2016.
  • Paris School of Economics, Seminar, 2016.
  • Stanford, Market Design Seminar, 2016.
  • INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2015.
  • POMS, 2015.